There was a child, many years back,
tucked safely under the covers of her warm bed...
dreaming, visualizing herself living and walking
among those in the farthest reaches of the world.
Her task was help in whatever way she could;
to give back to life
in gratitude for the many riches bestowed on her.
This vision was a legacy left her by
her father and her grandfather before him,
both of whom courageously set upon
paths fraught with uncertainty and, in no small part, danger;
following the light shining in their soul;
driven to answer the calling.
Life called to them,
showed them the suffering in this world,
peered into their souls
and found hearts willing to commit everything
- all they were -
to life, to giving back.
This same fire touched the soul of that girl child,
and has never let go;
calling, inspiring, leading...
There is a deep knowing
in my soul
that one is in this life
to be and do certain things.
To walk the path to which I have been called
is the essence, the raison d'être,
for my existence.
Now my children are set upon their own paths,
finding their own light and
living by the grace of God.
And, the call to my soul has grown
from a whisper and lure
to an ever present voice.
So, with both feet firmly planted on this path,
and a future unknown,
the girl child knows...
her soul and person are facing God.
It is time.
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