Friday, March 16, 2012

Welcome to My Home!

A friend wondered recently if I was feeling homesick.  The answer was so immediate and clear to me.  I am not homesick.  I am home.  I miss my loved ones, that's definitely true.  But, I am not  homesick.
I can create home wherever I am, and I'm learning to create it with less and less focus on material belongings.  I am so grateful to my good friends Cate and Chuck for giving me the chance to practice living entirely in one room.  Of course, I had access to the rest of the house, but I purposefully confined my belongings to my room - a way of living in a small purse, I guess!
So, here I take living simply to another level as you will see in the pictures.  I have everything I need here, and more.  I am blessed.  I am at home.  And, I am grateful for all these many gifts....the love and compassion shared with me by others, I mean...not the material belongings.
I hope you enjoy your brief stay in my little home and I hope you feel as welcome and honored as I am made to feel everyday that I am here in Vietnam!
much love

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