Sunday, October 28, 2012
Dancing with Spirit
Sorry I have been out lately.
I feel pulled these days
to the 'inside'.
It is, for me,
always a dance
between the universe
and the world in which I walk.
Right now,
muse calls me in.
So, therein shall I reside,
at least for now,
while I explore what spirit
would inspire as my fingers
touch the keys.
Hopefully, I'll see you
on my Spirit Walk blog,
and my Soul Embodied blog,
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
It Doesn't Trickle Down
18 September 2012
As more and more Americans
lose their homes, their livelihoods,
the ability to feed, cloth and protect their children,
we are starting
to understand something
the poor among us
have long known...
It Doesn't Trickle Down.
If we, the 99%, are to stop the war
the wealthy have waged against us,
we must understand our own
contribution to their war chest.
We must disarm
the wealthy
of the weapons
we give them.
One important strategy
of disarmament
is to understand
the lies we have accepted
as reality,
and to understand how those lies
were embedded
into our psyches.
I want to tell a story,
but first I want to pose
some questions for us all
to ponder.
Why are unemployed poor people perceived as reprehensible even though national economic policies that sustain involuntary unemployment are not seen as blameworthy?
Why are the unemployed poor held in disdain while the unemployed wealthy are celebrated? To help answer this question, you might survey the number of TV shows that exult Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.
Why are the poor who receive welfare accused of dependency and deviancy while those not labeled as such enjoy welfare free from public disclosure and judgment, e.g., students who receive public financial aide, homeowners who receive tax breaks, corporations that don't pay taxes and do receive subsidies, civil servants who receive pay for unproductive work and workers employed by military bases kept open exclusively for employment purposes?
I assert that these beliefs were
intentionally created
by those who
were called 'Robber Barons'
to divert our attention
while they plundered
our lives and our nation.
These beliefs are now sustained
by modern day Robber Barons
and we who continue to believe,
and hence, perpetuate the story.
So, here is the story,
only know this...
It is not a parable or an invention of my mind.
It is a rendering of our own history
in these United States.
It is the story of the
social construction of what we believe to be reality.
Even as our unwitting belief in this story
reinforces the endeavors of the wealthy
to continue, unabated, in their destruction
of our economy,
so, our considered understanding
of this story,
and our commitment to NOT
play a part in its continuance,
will take back two very powerful
weapons the wealthy use against us...
namely, our ability to think for ourselves,
and to create our own reality.
The Past Unveils the Present
As more and more Americans
lose their homes, their livelihoods,
the ability to feed, cloth and protect their children,
we are starting
to understand something
the poor among us
have long known...
It Doesn't Trickle Down.
If we, the 99%, are to stop the war
the wealthy have waged against us,
we must understand our own
contribution to their war chest.
We must disarm
the wealthy
of the weapons
we give them.
One important strategy
of disarmament
is to understand
the lies we have accepted
as reality,
and to understand how those lies
were embedded
into our psyches.
I want to tell a story,
but first I want to pose
some questions for us all
to ponder.
Why are unemployed poor people perceived as reprehensible even though national economic policies that sustain involuntary unemployment are not seen as blameworthy?
Why are the unemployed poor held in disdain while the unemployed wealthy are celebrated? To help answer this question, you might survey the number of TV shows that exult Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.
Why are the poor who receive welfare accused of dependency and deviancy while those not labeled as such enjoy welfare free from public disclosure and judgment, e.g., students who receive public financial aide, homeowners who receive tax breaks, corporations that don't pay taxes and do receive subsidies, civil servants who receive pay for unproductive work and workers employed by military bases kept open exclusively for employment purposes?
I assert that these beliefs were
intentionally created
by those who
were called 'Robber Barons'
to divert our attention
while they plundered
our lives and our nation.
These beliefs are now sustained
by modern day Robber Barons
and we who continue to believe,
and hence, perpetuate the story.
So, here is the story,
only know this...
It is not a parable or an invention of my mind.
It is a rendering of our own history
in these United States.
It is the story of the
social construction of what we believe to be reality.
Even as our unwitting belief in this story
reinforces the endeavors of the wealthy
to continue, unabated, in their destruction
of our economy,
so, our considered understanding
of this story,
and our commitment to NOT
play a part in its continuance,
will take back two very powerful
weapons the wealthy use against us...
namely, our ability to think for ourselves,
and to create our own reality.
This story is one wherein
the destinies of two disparate groups, i.e., capitalists and poor, are interwoven
into a robust and resilient fabric. The
fabric’s strength is realized through a reiterative and self-reinforcing
process dating back to antiquity. This
cycle includes attitudes and biases, the appropriation of those attitudes for
purpose, the institutionalization of both, and the expansion of the attitudes. Herein, the cycle is first observed at a
critical juncture in its American evolution, i.e., the advent of Social
Darwinism, and secondly in its contemporary form. The juxtaposition illustrates the force and
seeming intractability of the cycle and demonstrates the challenges faced by
policies that run contrary to it.
Ingram and Schneider (1993)
identify various socially constructed groups, characteristics accorded them and
consequent implications for them as recipients of public welfare. One group, “advantaged”, is perceived
as “…deserving, virtuous, respectable, attractive or likeable” (p.
73). Another, “dependents”, is
construed as deficient in capacity, e.g., skills and knowledge, or character,
e.g., discipline and will. Yet another, “deviants”,
is portrayed as immoral, debauched and undeserving. Accordingly, the advantaged are the primary
beneficiaries of public welfare, followed at a marked distance by the
dependents. Deviants, on the other hand,
are routinely excluded from public benefits, sanctioned and punished. History has bestowed advantaged status on
capitalists and relegated dependent and deviant status to the poor.
Dropping in now on the
chapter entitled Social Darwinism in America , i.e., the early 1800’s,
income disparities were widening, a handful of capitalists were becoming
exceedingly rich while many lived in destitution.
Darwin ’s
precepts regarding natural order were correlated to the human condition by such
men as Herbert Spencer and William Sumner, James Hill, John Rockefeller and
Andrew Carnegie (Hofstadter, R., 1992).
Having established the basis that humans were variously endowed, social
Darwinists then saw fit to apply the notions to the economic situation.
They created the story that competition of the market place was the setting for a human enactment of the survival of the fittest. The struggle to survive was won through the accumulation of capital. Where strength ensured survival in nature, human virtue ensured survival in the market.
They created the story that competition of the market place was the setting for a human enactment of the survival of the fittest. The struggle to survive was won through the accumulation of capital. Where strength ensured survival in nature, human virtue ensured survival in the market.
This association proved
highly fortuitous for capitalists, whose extraordinary wealth was becoming
difficult to defend in a country defined by equal opportunity and
democracy. Not only did they declare that they were the
fittest, they claimed they had “…superior ability, foresight and
adaptability…” which enabled their remarkable success (Hofstadter, p.
45). These self-made men were, in the
truest sense, self-made.
But what of the
destitute? This story becomes complete
only through the elucidation of its entire cast, and the poor are critical, if
not active, actors. On the conundrum of
poverty amid growing wealth, Social Darwinism came to the rescue. Social Darwinism claimed that business competition was natural law, and as
such was inviolate. If individuals were
disadvantaged as the market’s natural process unfolded, it was a necessary and
allowable, if not saddening, consequence.
In fact, they asserted, all individuals, through
diligence and thrift, could achieve pecuniary success. So, they encouraged patience, hard work
and persistence.
Some, however, were not
quite so magnanimous in their evaluation of the poor. Survival of the fittest required inequalities
and as such negated equality and natural rights.
These people asserted that there was a reason for the natural selection of the poor out of the market, i.e., deviant
individual characteristics. “They,
the poor, are unfit and should be eliminated.
The whole effort of nature is to get rid of such, to clear the world of
them, and make room for better. If they
are sufficiently complete to live, they do live, and it is well that they
should live. If they are not
sufficiently complete to live, they die, and it is best that they should die.”
(Spencer, 1850, cited in Hofstadter, 1992).
Ingram and Schneider (1993)
claim that the social constructs of advantaged and deviants have reified in
American society. Certainly, this
assertion bears out in the case of capitalists and poor. A mantra embedded into the public psyche is
that investing in the rich is paramount for achieving national objectives. Hence, their interests, being synonymous with
the public interest, are endowed with noble repute. Their motives are beyond doubt, their
advantages undisputed, their acceptance of public welfare necessary.
Other mantras are reserved
for American poor (Gans, 1995). They are
morally deficient. They are lazy,
freeloaders and contemptuous of society.
They are the underclass, under all other classes, and as such, outside
society. They, therefore, are
undeserving. “…indigence is produced
not by the social or economic system, but by the deviance of the poor. The necessary punishment for deviance is
poverty” (Backer, 1993).
A whole discourse of
illogic has been developed around the poor.
The characteristics, so long reinforced, have reified and transformed
into the casual mechanisms of poverty, i.e., the victims have morphed into the
perpetrators (Gans, 1995). Now, the mantras proclaimed by many are that moral deficiency generates poverty, laziness
causes unemployment, welfare recipients create poverty.
In this way, the social
constructs have obfuscated the true causes of poverty, and worse, created a
political climate in which the poor can safely be punished for the ills others perceive them to bear upon society. Examples of anti-poor
sentiment encased in public policy discourse include desexing and segregation
recommendations in 1912; sterilization, unabated in some states till the 1970s;
and Spiro Agnew’s strategy of isolating the poor in rural towns in 1974. To these are added those policies that
capitalized on the plight of the poor for the advantage of others, namely the
1949 U.S. Housing Act, and those that aim to end welfare by systematically
moving people out of the system, i.e., The Personal Responsibility and Work
Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996.
It is not surprising then
that such oxymorons as these exist: 1) unemployed poor people are perceived as
reprehensible, even though involuntary unemployment sustained by economic policies
are not seen as blameworthy; 2) the unemployed poor are held in disdain while
the unemployed wealthy are celebrated; 3) the poor receiving welfare are
accused of dependency and deviancy while those not labeled as such enjoy
welfare free from public disclosure and judgment, e.g., students receiving
public financial aide, homeowners receiving tax breaks, corporations receiving
tax breaks and subsidies, civil servants receiving pay for unproductive work
and workers employed by military bases kept open exclusively for employment
Friday, September 14, 2012
David & Goliath: The People & Walmart
This video is just the tip of the iceberg.
It describes the horrible working conditions
of people who work for Walmart, and
the abusive treatment they endure every day.
When you watch this video, I encourage you -
don't see the color of their skin or their language
or the country in which they live.
Focusing on our differences is divisive,
hurtful to all of us, and worse -
it gives today's robber barons more power
to continue stealing from us and
mutilating our economies and societies.
Please - just focus on what these people -
our brothers and sisters -
are sharing about their experience.
And, if you are stirred by their stories,
take action - sign the letter,
stop shopping at Walmart,
tell others,
learn more about the insidious and deceitful strategies
Walmart uses to make a profit off of all of us.
There is another video from which you can learn even more.
It's called, 'Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices'.
We are David.
Monoliths like Walmart are Goliath.
All of us who know this story
know that David defeated Goliath.
However, none of us has the money or power
to fight these marauding giants alone.
We must stand together.
In our union, we are strong.
Standing hand in hand, we can win this war
of the 1% against the rest of us.
This video is just the tip of the iceberg.
It describes the horrible working conditions
of people who work for Walmart, and
the abusive treatment they endure every day.
When you watch this video, I encourage you -
don't see the color of their skin or their language
or the country in which they live.
Focusing on our differences is divisive,
hurtful to all of us, and worse -
it gives today's robber barons more power
to continue stealing from us and
mutilating our economies and societies.
Please - just focus on what these people -
our brothers and sisters -
are sharing about their experience.
And, if you are stirred by their stories,
take action - sign the letter,
stop shopping at Walmart,
tell others,
learn more about the insidious and deceitful strategies
Walmart uses to make a profit off of all of us.
There is another video from which you can learn even more.
It's called, 'Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices'.
We are David.
Monoliths like Walmart are Goliath.
All of us who know this story
know that David defeated Goliath.
However, none of us has the money or power
to fight these marauding giants alone.
We must stand together.
In our union, we are strong.
Standing hand in hand, we can win this war
of the 1% against the rest of us.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
A new blog Kristen Magis Spirit Walk
I have decided to start a new blog. In this new blog, I will share poetry and prose about my walk in this life as a spirit embodied, and with spirit. The URL is
Please note the 'e' after my first name. It's a typo and I'm not tech savy enough to figure out how to fix it/1
I will continue this blog as well.
I hope to see you all in both spaces!
my best
Please note the 'e' after my first name. It's a typo and I'm not tech savy enough to figure out how to fix it/1
I will continue this blog as well.
I hope to see you all in both spaces!
my best
Breaking the Chains of Consumerism
Standing in the middle of the square,
I can’t hold it in anymore…
‘Wake up! Wake up!’ I shout.
See the marionettes into which we have been made!
See the avarice -
etched in our psyches,
protected in our constitution,
mutated into an insatiable desire for
What is the difference, say you, between
avarice and greed?
And what of want and need?
Can we tell the difference?
Or have our minds been so profoundly shaped
by this structured consumer economy
that we can no longer see
that this economy,
in fact,
intentionally structured,
That we, and our desire to buy,
are the products of the craft and guile
of those who have and want ever
an alternative to insatiable
Learning to recognize the difference
between want and need;
Striving to break the chains
of the toxic addiction to buy, to
own, to desire.
Endeavoring to feel, once again,
immense gratitude
for having enough
food, clean water, shelter,
Thankfulness for the opportunity
to love, to share, to build community,
to be, simply,
the extraordinary beings we were created to be.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Maiden in Shining White Armor
She leaned against the window ledge,
stars dancing in her eyes,
a slight smile warming her face.
But, she did not see the flowering tree
at her window.
She was far away
in a dream induced by the now familiar
theme of the Disney movie...
She was a beautiful maiden,
flowers in her hair,
a sparkling satin gown
wrapping her flawless body.
A knight stood on her doorstep,
handsome and tall,
his countenance exuding a cool
self-assurance that all enemies
would quickly be vanquished.
'Hello Anne.'
'Anne? Uhhh, hello?'
'What is that annoying voice?' she wondered.
Confused, she gazed at her knight
and slowly realized he wasn't wearing
shining white armor.
He wasn't tall and handsome and gallant.
And the irritating voice was his.
'Uhhh, hi Anne,' he said.
'Is your sister home?'
Relieved that this fake knight
did not come for her, but for
her unfortunate sister, Anne
ushered him forth.
Returning to her windowsill,
she once again fell into the dream
of how she would meet her knight
and he would sweep her away,
rescuing her from all harm,
caring for all her needs
and loving her every day for the rest
of her life...
'Anne! Are you listening?'
'You're on the blue team. Get over there!'
Feeling awkward in her new ugly uniform,
Anne trotted over to her teammates, such as they were.
Girls only.
'Girls can't play sports,' she thought with disdain.
'What am I doing out here? I could be trying
on that new dress. I bet Micha would notice me then!'
'Can you please tell the class your answer to this math question, Anne?'
'Ummm, I don't get it teacher', she whispered,
wishing she could sink into her desk,
never to be seen again.
'Anyone knows girls aren't good at math,' she thought
in her own defense.
'Why does he have to pick on me like that? He could
just ask one of the boys. They know the answer.'
The school dances, the football games, lunches,
they all were about finding her knight.
She knew he was out there.
She had dreamed of him her entire life.
Now, after 18 years she was realizing
that he was not at this school, and
had hopes that he would be found at college.
He would be more mature than these high school boys.
He'd have a career and be ready to make good money.
'And, we'll marry...just like it's supposed to be,' she cooed.
And then she found a career path, quite by accident really,
as her real reason for going to college was to find her man.
But, she stumbled upon this career path.
She became interested in school, was elated
to see she could get good grades in difficult subjects,
could, for the first time in her life, see herself
doing something important,
being successful,
caring for herself.
Such a thought that was...
that she could actually care for herself?!
'Dad!', she called on her trip home.
'Dad! Guess what?! I am going to have a career!'
'My daughter. How I love you' her father smiled.
I am happy you are getting skills in college.
You may need to use them if something ever happens
to your husband.'
Stunned by her father's words,
and his complete lack of faith in her,
Anne's newfound sense of self and confidence
faltered. If her own father didn't believe in her,
who would?
'I'm just fooling myself,' she thought.
'I can't do it. He's right. I need help.'
A lifetime later,
marriage, children...
Anne leaned against the windowsill.
There never was a Knight in Shining White Armor.
She knew that now.
And despite caring for her children and her self
for so many years,
she still felt the chilling fear
of not being able to care for herself.
She found herself,
still, waiting to be rescued,
still, not believing in her self,
still, frightened about her uncertain future...
And then one day,
she looked around.
Seeing no one but herself,
she finally, finally after all these years,
realized that it was she who must wear the armor,
she who must rescue herself,
and she who must create a future for herself.
The story had been told all wrong.
It was not the story of the Knight in Shining White Armor
saving the beautiful Maiden.
It was the story of the Maiden earning the Shining White Armor
by courageously facing life
with whatever she had at her command,
despite her fears and her self-doubt
and her falllibilities.
The story was about her finding forgiveness
for all those who taught her that she
was incapable and insufficient and forever needy.
It was about trying to instill in her own daughter
a sense of self-worth and self-love and self-belief
that could fortify her during all her life's pursuits.
It was about assuring her sons
that they did not have to single-handedly bear the burden
of providing in life;
that they could lay down the oppressive armor;
that the women in their lives (including their daughters)
didn't need rescuing,
could be valuable partners,
could help make a life.
And, it was about suggesting to her children that
they might even bury the Shining White Armor,
and just allow themselves and their own children
to blossom into the beings
they were supposed to be.
stars dancing in her eyes,
a slight smile warming her face.
But, she did not see the flowering tree
at her window.
She was far away
in a dream induced by the now familiar
theme of the Disney movie...
She was a beautiful maiden,
flowers in her hair,
a sparkling satin gown
wrapping her flawless body.
A knight stood on her doorstep,
handsome and tall,
his countenance exuding a cool
self-assurance that all enemies
would quickly be vanquished.
'Hello Anne.'
'Anne? Uhhh, hello?'
'What is that annoying voice?' she wondered.
Confused, she gazed at her knight
and slowly realized he wasn't wearing
shining white armor.
He wasn't tall and handsome and gallant.
And the irritating voice was his.
'Uhhh, hi Anne,' he said.
'Is your sister home?'
Relieved that this fake knight
did not come for her, but for
her unfortunate sister, Anne
ushered him forth.
Returning to her windowsill,
she once again fell into the dream
of how she would meet her knight
and he would sweep her away,
rescuing her from all harm,
caring for all her needs
and loving her every day for the rest
of her life...
'Anne! Are you listening?'
'You're on the blue team. Get over there!'
Feeling awkward in her new ugly uniform,
Anne trotted over to her teammates, such as they were.
Girls only.
'Girls can't play sports,' she thought with disdain.
'What am I doing out here? I could be trying
on that new dress. I bet Micha would notice me then!'
'Can you please tell the class your answer to this math question, Anne?'
'Ummm, I don't get it teacher', she whispered,
wishing she could sink into her desk,
never to be seen again.
'Anyone knows girls aren't good at math,' she thought
in her own defense.
'Why does he have to pick on me like that? He could
just ask one of the boys. They know the answer.'
The school dances, the football games, lunches,
they all were about finding her knight.
She knew he was out there.
She had dreamed of him her entire life.
Now, after 18 years she was realizing
that he was not at this school, and
had hopes that he would be found at college.
He would be more mature than these high school boys.
He'd have a career and be ready to make good money.
'And, we'll marry...just like it's supposed to be,' she cooed.
And then she found a career path, quite by accident really,
as her real reason for going to college was to find her man.
But, she stumbled upon this career path.
She became interested in school, was elated
to see she could get good grades in difficult subjects,
could, for the first time in her life, see herself
doing something important,
being successful,
caring for herself.
Such a thought that was...
that she could actually care for herself?!
'Dad!', she called on her trip home.
'Dad! Guess what?! I am going to have a career!'
'My daughter. How I love you' her father smiled.
I am happy you are getting skills in college.
You may need to use them if something ever happens
to your husband.'
Stunned by her father's words,
and his complete lack of faith in her,
Anne's newfound sense of self and confidence
faltered. If her own father didn't believe in her,
who would?
'I'm just fooling myself,' she thought.
'I can't do it. He's right. I need help.'
A lifetime later,
marriage, children...
Anne leaned against the windowsill.
There never was a Knight in Shining White Armor.
She knew that now.
And despite caring for her children and her self
for so many years,
she still felt the chilling fear
of not being able to care for herself.
She found herself,
still, waiting to be rescued,
still, not believing in her self,
still, frightened about her uncertain future...
And then one day,
she looked around.
Seeing no one but herself,
she finally, finally after all these years,
realized that it was she who must wear the armor,
she who must rescue herself,
and she who must create a future for herself.
The story had been told all wrong.
It was not the story of the Knight in Shining White Armor
saving the beautiful Maiden.
It was the story of the Maiden earning the Shining White Armor
by courageously facing life
with whatever she had at her command,
despite her fears and her self-doubt
and her falllibilities.
The story was about her finding forgiveness
for all those who taught her that she
was incapable and insufficient and forever needy.
It was about trying to instill in her own daughter
a sense of self-worth and self-love and self-belief
that could fortify her during all her life's pursuits.
It was about assuring her sons
that they did not have to single-handedly bear the burden
of providing in life;
that they could lay down the oppressive armor;
that the women in their lives (including their daughters)
didn't need rescuing,
could be valuable partners,
could help make a life.
And, it was about suggesting to her children that
they might even bury the Shining White Armor,
and just allow themselves and their own children
to blossom into the beings
they were supposed to be.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Poverty and Wealth
What is it?
There is a family that was recently relocated from a shack on stilts
to a new apartment with a bathroom and a kitchen.
But, they don't know how to use the toilet...
and they don't have the income to pay for the new bills,
water, electricity, mortgage...
And, they haven't figured out how to use the toilet...
There is a woman that loads her bicycle with vegetables
every day
and rides the 3 kilometers to the city center
where she lays her produce neatly on the ground
and waits for passersby to purchase it.
At dusk, she once again boards her bicycle
and rides the 3 kilometers home
to tend the fields, feed the children,
sweep the dirt floors,
and prepare for tomorrow's journey.
There is a woman who lost everything the day
she learned of her breast cancer.
Nightmares later, she found herself in a
resettlement neighborhood,
living as one of the 'poorest of the poor'.
But that family who didn't know how to use a toilet
shared their one room apartment with
a homeless family.
And the woman on the bicycle shared her bicycle
on weekends with a neighbor who had no other way
to get to the city.
And the woman who lost everything to cancer
organized the 'poorest of the poor' to create a fund
for a single mother who was starving.
She taught the neighborhood children to
care for the cleanliness of the streets.
She inspired the neighbors to save what little cash they have
and to invest in community development projects
or to share with those less fortunate than themselves.
The little girl that learned to keep the streets clean
taught a grown woman about environmental protection.
And the 'poorest of the poor' children saved their pennies
to share with a child who had nothing...
My God, we in the states have gotten so lost!
While children starve,
we, daily, throw away food.
While people struggle to get their produce to town,
we buy a second and a third car.
While people live on the streets or in shacks on stilts,
we covet more square footage and a view.
While children and elderly are swept away
in flooding,
we ignore how our actions create climate change.
While families die in wars to extract yet more oil
from an oil-depleted earth,
we drive two blocks to the store.
This, my friends, is our poverty.
It is poverty of spirit.
It creates wreckage in peoples' lives -
people who we've never even seen!
It kills and starves and maims and destroys.
We only need to look and we will see.
We hold so much of the answer, you know.
We, who by fortune of birth, find ourselves living
in the richest country in the world.
Because of our relative wealth,
we can make important changes to breath life
into this planet and show compassion for all.
Creating wealth
The little girl from the 'poorest of the poor'
could find a way
to help her neighbor.
Creating Wealth
The woman who lost everything to breast cancer
keeps finding ways to help.
Creating Wealth
We can join this movement of people who reach beyond themselves
into the community of humankind.
We can contribute.
We must contribute.
And in breathing hope into life for others,
we regain our own wealth of spirit
and escape, ourselves, from poverty.
Create Wealth
What is it?
There is a family that was recently relocated from a shack on stilts
to a new apartment with a bathroom and a kitchen.
But, they don't know how to use the toilet...
and they don't have the income to pay for the new bills,
water, electricity, mortgage...
And, they haven't figured out how to use the toilet...
There is a woman that loads her bicycle with vegetables
every day
and rides the 3 kilometers to the city center
where she lays her produce neatly on the ground
and waits for passersby to purchase it.
At dusk, she once again boards her bicycle
and rides the 3 kilometers home
to tend the fields, feed the children,
sweep the dirt floors,
and prepare for tomorrow's journey.
There is a woman who lost everything the day
she learned of her breast cancer.
Nightmares later, she found herself in a
resettlement neighborhood,
living as one of the 'poorest of the poor'.
But that family who didn't know how to use a toilet
shared their one room apartment with
a homeless family.
And the woman on the bicycle shared her bicycle
on weekends with a neighbor who had no other way
to get to the city.
And the woman who lost everything to cancer
organized the 'poorest of the poor' to create a fund
for a single mother who was starving.
She taught the neighborhood children to
care for the cleanliness of the streets.
She inspired the neighbors to save what little cash they have
and to invest in community development projects
or to share with those less fortunate than themselves.
The little girl that learned to keep the streets clean
taught a grown woman about environmental protection.
And the 'poorest of the poor' children saved their pennies
to share with a child who had nothing...
My God, we in the states have gotten so lost!
While children starve,
we, daily, throw away food.
While people struggle to get their produce to town,
we buy a second and a third car.
While people live on the streets or in shacks on stilts,
we covet more square footage and a view.
While children and elderly are swept away
in flooding,
we ignore how our actions create climate change.
While families die in wars to extract yet more oil
from an oil-depleted earth,
we drive two blocks to the store.
This, my friends, is our poverty.
It is poverty of spirit.
It creates wreckage in peoples' lives -
people who we've never even seen!
It kills and starves and maims and destroys.
We only need to look and we will see.
We hold so much of the answer, you know.
We, who by fortune of birth, find ourselves living
in the richest country in the world.
Because of our relative wealth,
we can make important changes to breath life
into this planet and show compassion for all.
Creating wealth
The little girl from the 'poorest of the poor'
could find a way
to help her neighbor.
Creating Wealth
The woman who lost everything to breast cancer
keeps finding ways to help.
Creating Wealth
We can join this movement of people who reach beyond themselves
into the community of humankind.
We can contribute.
We must contribute.
And in breathing hope into life for others,
we regain our own wealth of spirit
and escape, ourselves, from poverty.
Create Wealth
Friday, August 17, 2012
Than Lan: A New Friend for you, Alakai!
Than Lan - My Vietnamese Friend and Roommate |
This is Than Lan (pronounced Tawn Lawn).
She moved in with me several months back.
Every evening, she makes the same trek across my walls and ceiling.
One night, she posed for me...hanging upside down on the ceiling,
so that I could take her picture and send it to my lovely
3 year-old grandson, Alakai.
Than Lan lives on top of my dresser.
She goes into my bathroom to drink water,
and she eats all the bugs in my room.
Thanks to her, I have no bugs in my room!
So, now she goes outside to catch her food.
She has funny, fat fingers that she uses to hold on to the ceiling,
so she can hang upside down.
In this picture, she is looking at you and saying,
'Hi Alakai! I'm your new friend!'
I love you dearly, my sweet grandson!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Gandalf's Wisdom for the Frodo in Us All
You can find wisdom anywhere...
if you are watching for it.
Last night, I was watching the Lord of the Rings.
In the moment that Frodo realizes he must travel
a very dangerous road, he tells Gandalf that
he wished he had never seen the ring,
and that he was back in the safety of his home.
Gandalf looked at him with compassion and said,
'Whether to live in these times
is not for us to decide.
All we have to decide is
what we will do with the time
that is given us.'
I was profoundly affected by these words,
for I often feel so powerless and small
in the face of the avenging god, Climate Change.
I find myself wishing that it was 1970 again,
and that I was safe at home, climbing trees
and building forts.
Or, I try to ignore what is happening outside my door
and go about life 'as usual'.
As if I can ignore
the shifting of the earth beneath my feet;
As if I can pretend
the earth
is not burning up our food,
is not flooding our homes,
is not killing people with its murderous heat...
I, like Frodo,
want desperately for things to
be as they are.
But, Gandalf speaks to us all
when he says
it was not for us to decide to be here
at this moment in time,
but that it is for us to decide
just what we will do with the time
we have been given.
And, I wonder...
Is it possible that we are here
at this turning point in the history of humanity
because we are the ones that
do something about the crisis?
Is it possible that we are uniquely equipped
to make this harsh and frightening journey
even though we feel small and insignificant?
Is it possible that regular people like you and I
hold, in our hearts, the answers
to this terrible crisis?
Is it possible that, like Frodo,
we just have to set foot upon this path
and trust that, somehow, someway,
we can find our way through it?
if you are watching for it.
Last night, I was watching the Lord of the Rings.
In the moment that Frodo realizes he must travel
a very dangerous road, he tells Gandalf that
he wished he had never seen the ring,
and that he was back in the safety of his home.
Gandalf looked at him with compassion and said,
'Whether to live in these times
is not for us to decide.
All we have to decide is
what we will do with the time
that is given us.'
I was profoundly affected by these words,
for I often feel so powerless and small
in the face of the avenging god, Climate Change.
I find myself wishing that it was 1970 again,
and that I was safe at home, climbing trees
and building forts.
Or, I try to ignore what is happening outside my door
and go about life 'as usual'.
As if I can ignore
the shifting of the earth beneath my feet;
As if I can pretend
the earth
is not burning up our food,
is not flooding our homes,
is not killing people with its murderous heat...
I, like Frodo,
want desperately for things to
be as they are.
But, Gandalf speaks to us all
when he says
it was not for us to decide to be here
at this moment in time,
but that it is for us to decide
just what we will do with the time
we have been given.
And, I wonder...
Is it possible that we are here
at this turning point in the history of humanity
because we are the ones that
do something about the crisis?
Is it possible that we are uniquely equipped
to make this harsh and frightening journey
even though we feel small and insignificant?
Is it possible that regular people like you and I
hold, in our hearts, the answers
to this terrible crisis?
Is it possible that, like Frodo,
we just have to set foot upon this path
and trust that, somehow, someway,
we can find our way through it?
Sunday, August 5, 2012
'Collateral Damage' and the Hidden Meaning of Language
Being a writer, I take great interest in words,
what they mean and how they are used.
Words, quite literally, create the reality that we see.
Words are tricky though.
They can be used in different ways
and with different purposes.
They can be used to create any kind of reality.
But always, they are used for a purpose.
And that purpose is not always innocent or honest.
Sometimes, words are used to mislead, or to misconstrue
the way we define reality.
I take issue when the
intentional mis-construction of words hurts people.
There are a couple of terms that I would like to explore here.
The first is a term created by the military.
It is 'collateral damage'.
The term sounds benign and harmless.
It triggers no emotional response in the listener.
It really just sounds like something got broken.
Oh well. Things get broken all the time.
Whatever it was can be fixed or replaced.
There is another term, 'casualties of war'.
More of us are familiar with this term,
at least those of us old enough to remember the Vietnam War
(which incidentally is called the 'American War' here in Viet Nam).
We know 'casualty of war' means someone died.
We don't know if it was the enemy or a civilian
or one of 'our own'.
But, we know someone died.
Still, it doesn't create much of a stir in our hearts.
How about this term, 'Your brother was killed.'
Or this one, 'An innocent child was murdered.'
How does your heart respond to these words?
When you hear the words, 'collateral damage' next,
know that what's really being said is,
'Someone's brother, or father, or sister or daughter was killed'.
And, does it really matter if it was the enemy that killed her
or 'friendly fire' (someone on our side) who killed her???
She's dead.
And that is final.
When words are used by those in authority positions to
change how we perceive reality,
it is called 'propaganda',
which is defined in the dictionary as
'deceptive or distorted information that is systematically spread'.
And why would they do that?
Because those creating the distortion want to change
how we 'see', and ultimately respond to,
events that are happening in our lives.
After all, you might respond differently if you heard
'Your son was murdered.'
than if you heard there was 'collateral damage'.
And, I haven't even gotten to the terms that are
particularly bothersome to me.
I'll cover those in a later post.
Meanwhile, listen carefully to the news reports.
Demystify strange terms like 'collateral damage'.
Discern for yourself what is really being said.
And allow your heart to respond to the real information.
Then, we shall hear the people speak.
what they mean and how they are used.
Words, quite literally, create the reality that we see.
Words are tricky though.
They can be used in different ways
and with different purposes.
They can be used to create any kind of reality.
But always, they are used for a purpose.
And that purpose is not always innocent or honest.
Sometimes, words are used to mislead, or to misconstrue
the way we define reality.
I take issue when the
intentional mis-construction of words hurts people.
There are a couple of terms that I would like to explore here.
The first is a term created by the military.
It is 'collateral damage'.
The term sounds benign and harmless.
It triggers no emotional response in the listener.
It really just sounds like something got broken.
Oh well. Things get broken all the time.
Whatever it was can be fixed or replaced.
There is another term, 'casualties of war'.
More of us are familiar with this term,
at least those of us old enough to remember the Vietnam War
(which incidentally is called the 'American War' here in Viet Nam).
We know 'casualty of war' means someone died.
We don't know if it was the enemy or a civilian
or one of 'our own'.
But, we know someone died.
Still, it doesn't create much of a stir in our hearts.
How about this term, 'Your brother was killed.'
Or this one, 'An innocent child was murdered.'
How does your heart respond to these words?
When you hear the words, 'collateral damage' next,
know that what's really being said is,
'Someone's brother, or father, or sister or daughter was killed'.
And, does it really matter if it was the enemy that killed her
or 'friendly fire' (someone on our side) who killed her???
She's dead.
And that is final.
When words are used by those in authority positions to
change how we perceive reality,
it is called 'propaganda',
which is defined in the dictionary as
'deceptive or distorted information that is systematically spread'.
And why would they do that?
Because those creating the distortion want to change
how we 'see', and ultimately respond to,
events that are happening in our lives.
After all, you might respond differently if you heard
'Your son was murdered.'
than if you heard there was 'collateral damage'.
And, I haven't even gotten to the terms that are
particularly bothersome to me.
I'll cover those in a later post.
Meanwhile, listen carefully to the news reports.
Demystify strange terms like 'collateral damage'.
Discern for yourself what is really being said.
And allow your heart to respond to the real information.
Then, we shall hear the people speak.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
the Heat Index
A matter of extreme importance to me...
the heat and humidity outside.
the heat and humidity outside.
As I have such a sensitivity to heat and humidity, I have been doing a bit of research. And, in that research I learned about the Heat Index, which is a combination of the temperature and humidity. As the temperature and % humidity increase, the Heat Index value increases. So, there is a chart of the Heat Index. It lists the combined values for temperature and humidity and then categorizes these values along four dimensions regarding the relative safety of being outside. The dimensions are 'Caution', 'Extreme Caution', 'Danger' and 'Extreme Danger'. So much for the amateur meteorology lesson.
Here in Viet Nam, we have been lingering in the 'Extreme Danger' zone for the better part of the last two months. Combine the 'Extreme Danger' of going outside with my extreme sensitivity to heat/humidity and I now understand why I keep ending up on a gurney at the doctor's office getting an IV. What is shocking about this is that I am an otherwise very healthy woman!
So, finally the temperatures have dropped this week. Now, we are only in the low 90s F/30s C with 80 humidity. This means that we also have finally left the 'Extreme Danger' zone in which we have been lingering these last months. Now, we are only in the 'Danger' zone.
Why do I spend time talking about such an apparently trivial subject? Simply put - this is our future, my friends.
I am learning from first hand experience that climate change is deadly...and it is affecting us all. Of course, the frail, elderly, sick and poor will be the first to succumb to the impacts of climate change. But, we all are in danger, even those of us who are healthy and strong or who can tolerate higher temperatures and humidity.
So, I was thinking - in honor of those most seriously impacted by climate change, perhaps we all could change just one thing that we do today that contributes to the problem, like driving when we can walk, or turning off unnecessary lights and techno toys, or eating fruits and vegys that are from our region...
Some say these small things can not change the problem...that bigger changes are required. I agree that bigger changes are needed. But, I also believe we all can make valuable contributions. Just imagine if all the people in the US today chose to walk instead of driving? How much less pollution would we put into the air????
We CAN make a difference!!!
Here in Viet Nam, we have been lingering in the 'Extreme Danger' zone for the better part of the last two months. Combine the 'Extreme Danger' of going outside with my extreme sensitivity to heat/humidity and I now understand why I keep ending up on a gurney at the doctor's office getting an IV. What is shocking about this is that I am an otherwise very healthy woman!
So, finally the temperatures have dropped this week. Now, we are only in the low 90s F/30s C with 80 humidity. This means that we also have finally left the 'Extreme Danger' zone in which we have been lingering these last months. Now, we are only in the 'Danger' zone.
Why do I spend time talking about such an apparently trivial subject? Simply put - this is our future, my friends.
I am learning from first hand experience that climate change is deadly...and it is affecting us all. Of course, the frail, elderly, sick and poor will be the first to succumb to the impacts of climate change. But, we all are in danger, even those of us who are healthy and strong or who can tolerate higher temperatures and humidity.
So, I was thinking - in honor of those most seriously impacted by climate change, perhaps we all could change just one thing that we do today that contributes to the problem, like driving when we can walk, or turning off unnecessary lights and techno toys, or eating fruits and vegys that are from our region...
Some say these small things can not change the problem...that bigger changes are required. I agree that bigger changes are needed. But, I also believe we all can make valuable contributions. Just imagine if all the people in the US today chose to walk instead of driving? How much less pollution would we put into the air????
We CAN make a difference!!!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Contemplating Eating
Been thinking lately about eating. It's been a month now, and my diet stays largely the same every day. I eat three bowls of soup a day, rice, tofu, some small shrimp, vegys and occasionally meat wrapped in cabbage. The food is very good and I always have my fill, so I am not complaining. But, it has set me to thinking.
Why always the same food, for every meal, every day? In part, this is due to the fact that I'm trying to avoid meat. In part, it is the food that is available. Given unrestricted resources, I could venture into the city to buy food in more variety, but unrestricted resources are not a part of this circumstance.
I noticed the last couple of weeks a strange feeling in my stomach. I am constantly hungry, even after a full meal.
Why always the same food, for every meal, every day? In part, this is due to the fact that I'm trying to avoid meat. In part, it is the food that is available. Given unrestricted resources, I could venture into the city to buy food in more variety, but unrestricted resources are not a part of this circumstance.
I noticed the last couple of weeks a strange feeling in my stomach. I am constantly hungry, even after a full meal.
Minions NOT. Guardians of Life are We
Today, for the first time in two weeks,
the heat index dropped just below the 'Extreme Danger' zone.
Now, it's just plain dangerous to go outside.
What have I to say to that?
I, a writer, am left without words.
But not for long! :)
2/3 of the U.S. bakes in the hot, dry sun,
suffering heat matching that in Viet Nam,
watching as the nation's food source burns and withers.
If this is not the vicious god, Climate Change, unleashing Gia's fury,
then what is it,
But, let's not let a political debate contrived by those profiting from earth's destruction
stop our conversation,
for it is through dialogue that we will find our way through this.
It is we, the people, who are suffering under this burden.
Yes, the wealthy will suffer too.
Though their ownership of virtually all the resources
will provide them temporary protection, it is at best - temporary.
When we are all gone, the water supply will disappear.
Food will no longer cover the face of this earth.
We will no longer be here to cater to the will of the plutocrats.
No, they cannot hide long from the ravages of climate change.
But wait, this was not to be a political discussion.
I'm sorry, but my anger sometimes overcomes my sense of rationality
or my desire to act from a place of wisdom.
The insanity of this situation is often more than I can comprehend.
This growing sense of despair, however, can be crippling.
So overwhelmed by the shear vastness of this unstoppable beast are we,
that we give up, turn our head, harden our hearts and close our eyes.
But this, my friends, is not who we were meant to be.
the heat index dropped just below the 'Extreme Danger' zone.
Now, it's just plain dangerous to go outside.
What have I to say to that?
I, a writer, am left without words.
But not for long! :)
2/3 of the U.S. bakes in the hot, dry sun,
suffering heat matching that in Viet Nam,
watching as the nation's food source burns and withers.
If this is not the vicious god, Climate Change, unleashing Gia's fury,
then what is it,
But, let's not let a political debate contrived by those profiting from earth's destruction
stop our conversation,
for it is through dialogue that we will find our way through this.
It is we, the people, who are suffering under this burden.
Yes, the wealthy will suffer too.
Though their ownership of virtually all the resources
will provide them temporary protection, it is at best - temporary.
When we are all gone, the water supply will disappear.
Food will no longer cover the face of this earth.
We will no longer be here to cater to the will of the plutocrats.
No, they cannot hide long from the ravages of climate change.
But wait, this was not to be a political discussion.
I'm sorry, but my anger sometimes overcomes my sense of rationality
or my desire to act from a place of wisdom.
The insanity of this situation is often more than I can comprehend.
This growing sense of despair, however, can be crippling.
So overwhelmed by the shear vastness of this unstoppable beast are we,
that we give up, turn our head, harden our hearts and close our eyes.
But this, my friends, is not who we were meant to be.
It is not the fulfillment of the loving, compassionate, creative force
that lies within our souls.
Nor is it a reflection of the warrior, fueled
by honor,
that steps onto
battlefields mined with explosives
to fight for life.
OK – so most of us are not world leaders.
We are not the plutocrats.
We do not see ourselves as
And we certainly do not
understand this god,
Climate Change.
But, we also are not the minions of the wealthy.
We are not mindless, faceless consumers.
We are not the masses that must be silenced.
No, we are strong.
We have a voice.
We have each other.
And, we have a vision.
A vision for ourselves
and for our children and generations beyond.
A vision of an earth bountiful in food and water.
A vision of a people all the colors of the world,
living in peace,
sharing the resources,
learning from each other,
celebrating this precious life.
And why not?
We need now a vision
more than we have in a
very long time.
We need now a vision that transcends the devastation facing us.
We need now a vision that will carry us forward
into a future
that we will design, for which we will offer
our selves and our resources,
a future which can come to pass
if we, together, claim it.
Let this vision be audacious, bold and strong.
Let us as warriors don our armor
and step courageously and resolutely into
the battle not just for our lives,
but for all life.
Now is the moment to which we all have been called.
Let us take our places as the stewards and guardians of life.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
The Creatures: Part I...rerun
Some time back, I wrote this piece. Then, as life would have it, I got caught up in my journey here in Viet Nam, leaving the next chapter unwritten. I have some time now, so decided to see where this story might flow. So, I'm republishing the first chapter here to be followed by chapter II.
This is a story of creatures, seemingly quite small, that
live below the surface of the water, a stream it seems. These water
creatures know this of life, ’Hold on to the giant boulders, always.’
Born, hold on, die. And the generations pass.
Until one day, a creature is born who asks, 'Why? 'Why
do we hold on?' To this, none can find an answer. This is,
quite simply, a fact of life. 'It just is. That's all,'
state the elders. And, they return to their business of holding on.
The one cannot find solace in this answer. 'But,
why?' she asks. They glance at her and smile knowingly. 'She
is young,' they chortle. 'The young ask such silly questions.'
And they return their attentions to the most pressing of community issues.
Paid no heed by the others, she gazes up into the
heavens. There she sees familiar patterns on the liquid sky, the sparkles
that dance in the light and are taken by the dark. ‘Where do the
sparkles go, really?’ she wonders. ‘Why does the dark take them?’
The story, as told by the elders, is that there is an
eternal war between the dark and the light, each stealing the sparkles in turn,
when the other is sleeping. One day, it is told, the dark will steal the
sparkles and hide them where the light can never again find them.
On this triumphant day, a huge celebration is planned.
It will be the day of the creatures’ liberation from the beasts with the gaping
maws that steal the young and swallow them whole. The beasts with the
gaping maws never come in the dark. It is said that their spirits are
taken by the dark along with the sparkles.
Many believe the sparkles are the spirits of the great
beasts. No one knows for sure, but the elders seem quite certain.
And no one questions the elders, except the one.
She knows better, has been told to stay quiet, has been
taught the ways along with all the other young. But, the questions still
come, begging for answers. She senses there is more.
Like the sparkles, the questions dance in her mind. ‘There
is more. There is more. But, what is it?’ ‘Why do the
dark and light fight?’ ‘Where does the dark take the sparkles?’
‘If the dark does hide the sparkles forever, will the beasts with the gaping
maws really finally leave us and stop taking our young?’
And the question that sparkles more brightly than any
other… ‘If they leave, can we let go?’
All these questions, she asked the elders. Their
patience waning, they nevertheless answered, believing deeply in their veneered
role of passing wisdom to the young and saving all from the gaping maws of the
beasts. But, when she asked that question, when she asked if they could
let go, the elders flew into a rage.
‘Never!’ they screamed as one. ‘Never shall
you let go!’ ‘Never speak those words again! And never,
never let go!’
The others looked on in shock, holding more tightly to their
rocks, as if the question itself would pry them from their fast hold on life
and all that is. There was a deep quiet that day. The elders
gathered closely, whispering and occasionally glancing back at her, with, it
seemed, a mix of horror and disgust and concern.
Alone, hugging her rock, feeling once again like she was
different, didn’t belong. ‘Why don’t the others wonder these
things? Is there something wrong with me? I am young. They are old
and wise. I am one. They are many. It is me. There is
something wrong with me. Why can’t I be more like them? Why can’t I
just be happy with holding on? Why must these questions steal my
thoughts? What are the answers?!’
And quietly, in the back of her mind, it emerges again, ‘What
would happen if I let go?’
The questions hung on as tenaciously as did the creatures to
their rocks. Despite, or perhaps because of, the increasing rancor of the
elders, the questions gained strength, became alive. And, in their
persistence, they bore yet more questions, leading ultimately to those
forbidden from the mouths of all.
‘Are the elders wrong? Is the wisdom they teach
untrue? Is there, in fact, a different reality?’
Through the perpetual battle of dark and light, she
watched. As the great beasts with the gaping maws stole the young and
those who could no longer hold on, she watched. When the heavens shook
under the pounding of the god’s fists, she watched. And when the raging
currents ripped even the strongest from their rocks and tossed them into the
abyss, she watched.
Her questions, her inability to quiet them, and her
persistence in asking slowly built a chasm between her and the others.
She held now to her own rock, separated from the community. Even her own
young had moved from her to the community, sensing her difference, confused by
her questions, wanting security and friendship. Wanting happiness for her
young, she allowed their migration to the community and thanked the dark for
hiding her tears.
She accepted now her exclusion from the community. The
dark and light had come enough times that she knew her difference was real, and
that she likely would never again be able to stand inside the community.
The chasm between her thoughts and theirs spread wider than the gaping
maws of the beasts and seemed to grow with each passing light and dark.
She sought the quiet, the separation from what she had grown
to recognize as the noise of the elders shaping the reality they wished others
to see. Their work never ended for new were always born and the world
they wished to be quiet continued to shift and change, creating fear and
requiring yet more efforts to pacify and maintain the creatures’ focus on the
Apart from the community, she heard her own voice more
clearly. She sought answers to the persistent questions inside her own
being. She learned to listen inside, to trust that perhaps answers could
be found in the quiet of her own heart. As the light and dark passed, so
dawned a new understanding. Yes, she was different. But, that
difference did not make her bad or defective. It made her uniquely who
she was.
And as she gazed at members of the community, she became
aware that each had a unique sparkle. That sparkle was dim for many,
obscured more and more for those who experienced many passing light and darks.
But, it was strong in the young, bright, dancing, vibrating and pulsating
like the sparkles in the heavens. The young would look her way,
recognizing the bright sparkle that surrounded her being, unaware of their own
sparkle and fascinated by a connection they could neither name nor describe,
but which they knew. Often, she would hold their gaze and they would
share a secret smile. And then, noticed by the others, they would be
pulled back within the fold, blocked from her view and taught by the elders.
She had grown to love herself in a way never possible in the
community. She came to believe that she was, in fact, good and that her
uniqueness was not a curse, but a blessing. And she relished the time to
be with her self. But still, there was an ache, a longing and a profound
sense of sorrow that she could never reach far enough to span the chasm between
herself and the community, that she could never again be a part of them. At
times, the aloneness consumed her. Again, she thanked the dark for hiding
her tears.
Friday, July 13, 2012
The Creatures: Part II
That she was different, she had finally come to accept,
albeit with some trepidation. The
difference had been the source of much pain in her life. For, it was not the difference of the rich
and beautiful so emulated by young and old alike. No, it was the difference of thought, the
difference of voice, the unwillingness to ‘fit in’ and abide by the ‘rules’,
and yes, even the audacity to ask who wrote the rules in the first place and
what gave them the authority to do so. This
difference had earned her the ire not just of the elders, but of her
companions. It had led to the separation
from her community and to the journey into her self.
The journey into self began with many battles and more tears
as she relived the consequences she had suffered for being the ‘outsider’. And through the tears, she came to realize
that she had internalized the judgments of the others. She had accepted the judgments and grown to
see herself with derision and contempt. In
the dark, when even she couldn’t see the tears, she would curse the difference
that was her. But, she also knew there
was no way to change. This is who she
And, as she meditated she was visited by spirit guides who showed
her visions; dreams of the lives past; visions of futures unfolding;
visions of a world wherein she fit, where her difference was exactly what was
needed. She saw people of a different
color and tongue beseeching her to join them, inviting her to step into the
The spirits spoke with her, walked
through the stars with her, showed her the heavens and the depths of the
earth. They danced with her, carried her
on their backs, taught her to fly… Then,
one day they dissembled her, extracted the pain and rebuilt her from the
remains. The spirit guides were always by her side, in
meditation and while awake, always reminding her that she was never alone, that
she had a purpose and that it was time to step onto the path.
And then she remembered.
She remembered the vow she had made so many years past. And she knew that every step of her life, all
of it, had led to this moment. It was
time. One last time, she gazed upon her
young and her companions of old and smiled, assured that they would be
okay. And then,
she let go.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Thinking Reality into Being
So, today my worst (current) nightmare became reality.
My air conditioner died.
No more does it's sweet cool breath whisk the deadly heat from my skin. It's only remaining viable function is to circulate warm, moist air.
I have been dreading this for some time,
especially since I learned that
I was to be alone on campus for the month of July.
This is how the scenario played out in my imagination....
The AC worked great until
everyone was gone,
the heat and humidity were absolutely unbearable,
and on the weekend when the few remaining souls were nowhere to be found.
This is how it played out in reality...
The AC worked great until
everyone was gone,
the heat and humidity are absolutely unbearable,
and on the eve of the weekend when the few remaining souls are nowhere to be found.
Of course, aside from the panic this creates in my already melting body,
I am pondering with interest that my fantasy materialized
almost exactly as I had imagined it.
And then, I look back over a lifetime of such experiences...
My air conditioner died.
No more does it's sweet cool breath whisk the deadly heat from my skin. It's only remaining viable function is to circulate warm, moist air.
I have been dreading this for some time,
especially since I learned that
I was to be alone on campus for the month of July.
This is how the scenario played out in my imagination....
The AC worked great until
everyone was gone,
the heat and humidity were absolutely unbearable,
and on the weekend when the few remaining souls were nowhere to be found.
This is how it played out in reality...
The AC worked great until
everyone was gone,
the heat and humidity are absolutely unbearable,
and on the eve of the weekend when the few remaining souls are nowhere to be found.
Of course, aside from the panic this creates in my already melting body,
I am pondering with interest that my fantasy materialized
almost exactly as I had imagined it.
And then, I look back over a lifetime of such experiences...
I imagine it, think it
and then, it exists.
Even now, I am living out dreams I've carried for many years.
I'm doing development work in a developing country.
I'm doing my favorite kind of work on my favorite topic.
I'm working with an International Nongovernmental Organization
And, I'm starting a new contract with the United Nations!
And this is just the beginning,
I think not.
I think, rather, synchronicity and active creation.
Now, I need to start imagining how the AC story ends...
with a fixed air conditioner and me NOT sick!
and then, it exists.
Even now, I am living out dreams I've carried for many years.
I'm doing development work in a developing country.
I'm doing my favorite kind of work on my favorite topic.
I'm working with an International Nongovernmental Organization
And, I'm starting a new contract with the United Nations!
And this is just the beginning,
I think not.
I think, rather, synchronicity and active creation.
Now, I need to start imagining how the AC story ends...
with a fixed air conditioner and me NOT sick!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
in the image of God
I rode with Gia
on the wind.
I saw the blighted earth,
raw wounds, blackened ground, dead lakes.
And as I gazed, Gia could no more hold her fury.
Her scream turned to a roar, so loud that life stood still.
Total, utter silence.
The wind dared not blow.
The rivers stopped running.
Even the leaves upon the trees broke their dance.
In her beauty and majesty,
light dancing off her countenance,
Gia wept bitter tears for her children.
Children once so full of promise;
now little more than whirling dervishes of greed and gluttony,
spinning, spinning, spinning out of control,
desecrating the sacred and leaving only destruction and destitution.
What happened to this creature made ‘in the image of God’?
How did we turn such a blind eye to the gift of life given us?
Can we, will we, dare we pull the veil and see
the preciousness of this gift, life,
and take the actions necessary to honor it?
Or will we
For the fact that, though I try,
I can not understand your
culture, your ways, your beliefs.
For the fact that, despite my acknowledged ignorance of your
I still judge you.
For the fact that I allow myself to dwell on
preconceived notions
of who you are and who you are supposed to be,
rather than see you for who you
really are.
For the accident of my birth that affords me clean water,
food and shelter,
even as you, out of sheer desperation, drink from fouled waters,
your only real choice being whether to die from thirst or
from the pestilence living
in the brown water you bring to your lips.
For the sins of my nation’s leaders,
heinous, self-serving
shrouded in language of ‘freedom, democracy and “free” market’.
For the contribution of my self and my fellow Americans
your plight, and for our total ignorance
of the impact of our actions on you.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Gia's Revenge
I’m trapped here in my room for the months of July and August. Actually, it started in late May when my body refused to comply with the ‘acclimatization program’ to which I was submitting it. So, all said, I will have lived primarily in my room for the better part of three to four months.
Get me not wrong. ‘Living in my room’ means, quite
literally, just that. I cannot go
outside for more than 15 minutes before my body starts sweating profusely. Within 30-60 minutes, my heart is pounding, and
I am drenched. Much longer, and I start
feeling dizzy. Last Sunday, I stayed out
for two hours and suffered heat exhaustion for the next two days. So, yes, when I say ‘living in my room’, I do mean just that.
This circumstance was not one that I ever, ever considered
in all my imaginings of how this journey might unfold.
‘No,’ my body said.
‘I will not tolerate heat, nor humidity -
‘And, while you ponder that, can you please
infuse me with an IV drip
as your little experiment has left me severely dehydrated.’
So, among the many blessings for which I give thanks, the
air conditioner in my room ranks high, along with the bottled water filling the
empty spaces on my floor.
Yet, here I sit under what I have to consider to be the ‘house arrest’ of those weakened by the
heat by that notorious and merciless assassin, Climate Change.
This god, Climate Change, was unleashed by Gia after years
of gentle, but persistent warnings to her ungrateful, willfully ignorant, and self-indulgent children. No longer can she withstand the continual and
brutal assault. No more patience has she
for children run so afoul. And, so she
sends her god, Climate Change, not as a teacher, but as an assassin to cleanse
the earth of that which soils the sacred gifts so freely given.
The god, Climate Change, is growing in force and
impact. It lays siege not just to the
millions in developing countries who are hidden from view by the world’s
wealthy, but now to millions in highly industrialized countries.
Climate Change has no favorites. The privileged position so favored by the
highly industrialized countries does not shield them from the angry rejoinder
of Gia to our arrogant and mindless destruction of the very forces she offered
to protect us.
Climate Change has many faces, severe drought, torrential
rains, scorching heat, flash floods… And,
as only a god can, Climate Change dons those many faces simultaneously,
inflicting sorrow and death across the globe with a litany of equally callous,
yet always destructive assaults.
Make no mistake, Climate Change is not a political debate. Climate Change IS a henchman, cloaked in
black and carrying a broadsword dripping with blood.
My heart weeps with daily news of the devastation unleashed
by this war god.
But, my heart is crushed by the unequal share of the
brutality apportioned to those who had no part in unleashing this vicious
god. The poor and voiceless all round
the globe, by definition, could not and cannot partake in the outrageous and
arrogant behaviors that led to this debacle.
Yet, they remain the most vulnerable to Climate Change, the first to suffer
the assaults of Climate Change, the least capable of withstanding the
devastating blows, and the most likely to die.
My God, my
What have we done?!?
Standing for Gaia and the People
There once was a man…
Mind you, I mean it literally, a man.
As we all know, women are not running the world
so play a supporting role in this story, not the lead.
Anyway, there was a man.
This man suffered the fortune of being born
into extravagant wealth.
For that accident of birth, we can bear him no malice.
Through his youth,
he did not experience hunger nor thirst nor, in fact, need of any kind.
Of course, he had many wants -
boats, techno toys, more variety from which to select, unlimited oil for his boat…
But, somewhere along the line
he lost the capacity to discern between want and need.
Or, perhaps
he never learned the difference in the first place,
having never really experienced need.
In his youth, this man was strong and virile,
spawning children who as he, knew not of need, but who,
also as he, suffered from insatiable want.
But, forgive me.
I have not given you the name of this man and his family.
We shall call him Ubank Sovereign, Ubank for short.
His family name is Plutocs. The family is
the US Plutocracy.
Together, this family celebrated their good fortune,
new wealth,
new power,
new toys.
So many reasons to celebrate.
And celebrate they did,
with feasts of such variety and enormity
that there was always extra to be discarded.
And as the Ubanks before him,
Ubank combined strategy, wile and cunning with his enormous wealth
to accumulate yet more wealth.
This, after all, is the US Plutocracy family dream,
to accumulate wealth…all of it.
To his great delight, wealth generation came easily,
for, as we all know, you can’t generate wealth without first having wealth,
(wealth being defined as income above and beyond that required for basic sustenance).
And, as he already owned the lion’s share of the wealth,
well, quite frankly, it was (like) stealing food from a baby.
Of course, he made contributions to earn these immense rewards.
To his credit we now have ‘forced obsolescence’,
and a ‘throw away economy’,
not to mention a thriving industry of waste removal, and yes,
waste storage, what with the vast rivers moving downstream from his penthouse,
and the oceans and sky at his behest,
or should I say disposal?
But, his greatest accomplishment was the vast network of friendships
he developed in a burg called Washing town.
As required of any good relationship,
he and his friends shared with each other
in compassionate and enduring camaraderie.
Nothing could break this (iron) triangle of friends.
Now, a few things happened in the course of Ubank's life
that disturbed his otherwise unmitigated pleasure-taking,
(or rent-seeking, which ever term suits you).
and proved a lifelong irritant.
What were these annoyances, you ask. Well, they were
obtaining resources to feed his family’s gluttonous appetites,
and the pervasive whines from unwanted rabble gathered on his front steps.
He was brilliant in developing strategies to deal with the whining masses.
‘Manifest destiny’ moved many off his doorsteps and
located them where he could no longer be bothered
by their inexorable whining.
Anointing avarice with moral and constitutional legitimacy
busied the many who believed (!) they, too, could live as did he.
And, with his enormous wealth, he built ships of the sea and sky,
and sailed to appropriate resources from heathens around the globe.
His good and abiding friends in that burg, Washing town,
lent their assistance to this noble cause through agreements with
the folk of the Bretton Woods and other Ubanks around the globe.
Yet, all his sleepless nights and devoted work could not quiet
the whining of the masses.
Worse, the whining rose not just from his door steps,
but increasingly from all corners of the world.
And out of the cacophony of ear splitting whining,
there arose a voice,
a voice that could be silenced neither with the pen of his Washing town friends,
nor with the arms, that ironically, generated much of his wealth.
The voice shouted,
‘No more!’
‘No more shall you rape and pillage the poor and unpowerful!’
‘No more shall you steal the birthright of every human being
to food and water and a livelihood and safety!’
‘No more shall your vile lies, depraved self glorification and extravagance
feed on the human spirit and desecrate her mother Gaia!’
'No more!' I say.
'No more!'
Though this piece is inspired by the plutocracy in the United States and its devastating effects on people and earth alike, it would be unfair to lay all the blame at their feet. There are, in fact, in every society, those who amass untold wealth unto themselves and spend their lives (when they are not enjoying that wealth) implementing strategies to silence the voice of the people. In all countries, there are wealthy and poor, not just in the USA.
Yet, we cannot avoid the fact that less than 20% of the world’s population in the USA and Europe consume 80% of the world’s resources. And no, we do not have those resources in our own soil. We steal them from others.
So, there needs to be an accounting.
The earth, our mother Gaia, is starting to exact that toll, even if we be in denial or engorging ourselves so that we can’t hear it. The accounting has begun.
We are standing up…NOW.
Mind you, I mean it literally, a man.
As we all know, women are not running the world
so play a supporting role in this story, not the lead.
Anyway, there was a man.
This man suffered the fortune of being born
into extravagant wealth.
For that accident of birth, we can bear him no malice.
Through his youth,
he did not experience hunger nor thirst nor, in fact, need of any kind.
Of course, he had many wants -
boats, techno toys, more variety from which to select, unlimited oil for his boat…
But, somewhere along the line
he lost the capacity to discern between want and need.
Or, perhaps
he never learned the difference in the first place,
having never really experienced need.
In his youth, this man was strong and virile,
spawning children who as he, knew not of need, but who,
also as he, suffered from insatiable want.
But, forgive me.
I have not given you the name of this man and his family.
We shall call him Ubank Sovereign, Ubank for short.
His family name is Plutocs. The family is
the US Plutocracy.
Together, this family celebrated their good fortune,
new wealth,
new power,
new toys.
So many reasons to celebrate.
And celebrate they did,
with feasts of such variety and enormity
that there was always extra to be discarded.
And as the Ubanks before him,
Ubank combined strategy, wile and cunning with his enormous wealth
to accumulate yet more wealth.
This, after all, is the US Plutocracy family dream,
to accumulate wealth…all of it.
To his great delight, wealth generation came easily,
for, as we all know, you can’t generate wealth without first having wealth,
(wealth being defined as income above and beyond that required for basic sustenance).
And, as he already owned the lion’s share of the wealth,
well, quite frankly, it was (like) stealing food from a baby.
Of course, he made contributions to earn these immense rewards.
To his credit we now have ‘forced obsolescence’,
and a ‘throw away economy’,
not to mention a thriving industry of waste removal, and yes,
waste storage, what with the vast rivers moving downstream from his penthouse,
and the oceans and sky at his behest,
or should I say disposal?
But, his greatest accomplishment was the vast network of friendships
he developed in a burg called Washing town.
As required of any good relationship,
he and his friends shared with each other
in compassionate and enduring camaraderie.
Nothing could break this (iron) triangle of friends.
Now, a few things happened in the course of Ubank's life
that disturbed his otherwise unmitigated pleasure-taking,
(or rent-seeking, which ever term suits you).
and proved a lifelong irritant.
What were these annoyances, you ask. Well, they were
obtaining resources to feed his family’s gluttonous appetites,
and the pervasive whines from unwanted rabble gathered on his front steps.
He was brilliant in developing strategies to deal with the whining masses.
‘Manifest destiny’ moved many off his doorsteps and
located them where he could no longer be bothered
by their inexorable whining.
Anointing avarice with moral and constitutional legitimacy
busied the many who believed (!) they, too, could live as did he.
And, with his enormous wealth, he built ships of the sea and sky,
and sailed to appropriate resources from heathens around the globe.
His good and abiding friends in that burg, Washing town,
lent their assistance to this noble cause through agreements with
the folk of the Bretton Woods and other Ubanks around the globe.
Yet, all his sleepless nights and devoted work could not quiet
the whining of the masses.
Worse, the whining rose not just from his door steps,
but increasingly from all corners of the world.
And out of the cacophony of ear splitting whining,
there arose a voice,
a voice that could be silenced neither with the pen of his Washing town friends,
nor with the arms, that ironically, generated much of his wealth.
The voice shouted,
‘No more!’
‘No more shall you rape and pillage the poor and unpowerful!’
‘No more shall you steal the birthright of every human being
to food and water and a livelihood and safety!’
‘No more shall your vile lies, depraved self glorification and extravagance
feed on the human spirit and desecrate her mother Gaia!’
'No more!' I say.
'No more!'
Though this piece is inspired by the plutocracy in the United States and its devastating effects on people and earth alike, it would be unfair to lay all the blame at their feet. There are, in fact, in every society, those who amass untold wealth unto themselves and spend their lives (when they are not enjoying that wealth) implementing strategies to silence the voice of the people. In all countries, there are wealthy and poor, not just in the USA.
Yet, we cannot avoid the fact that less than 20% of the world’s population in the USA and Europe consume 80% of the world’s resources. And no, we do not have those resources in our own soil. We steal them from others.
So, there needs to be an accounting.
The earth, our mother Gaia, is starting to exact that toll, even if we be in denial or engorging ourselves so that we can’t hear it. The accounting has begun.
We are standing up…NOW.
The birthright of all human
- food, water, a livelihood,
freedom, safety,
a world abundant in life and rich in blessings -
a world abundant in life and rich in blessings -
the birthright of ALL human
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Fools or Heroes
The question arose, unbidden, in the dark-of-night sojourns of my sleepy mind.
Fools and heroes...
Are they one and the same?
Or, are they entirely different?
Are they the opposite ends of a finite pole?
Or, are they locations on a circle that has no poles, no beginnings, no ends?
Taking risks that any 'sane' person would 'know' were outlandish.
Articulating dreams that stand in stark contrast to 'reality'.
Standing by those dreams when everyone, everything, stands in the path of their realization.
Believing in the impossible.
Seeing the unimaginable.
Stepping into the unknown without protection.
A fool's errand?
Or the makings of a hero?
If you stop to consider, regardless of whether we shall name this person
fool or hero,
the synergies are many.
So, what is it then, that marks a person
a fool or hero?
Is it the outcome of the person's endeavors?
If so, then we would add to the category of fool
Aung San Suu Kyi, her years in prison, and a country still in desperate turmoil;
Nelson Mandela, his numerous years in prison, and a country still ruled by the wealthy;
Mahatma Gandhi, his self inflicted starvation to stop the fighting, and a country divided;
The mothers of disappeared children in war torn countries who search endlessly...
Are these the ones we would relegate to the court of fools?
Their visions weren't realized and they suffered greatly.
Yet, few would consent to add their names to the court of fools.
So, if it is not the dreams nor the outcomes the person sought to realize,
then, what is it?
Is it the actions taken, or the timing of those actions?
To this, I submit a question...
How can one possibly predict the many implications of one's actions?
I assert that it is humanly impossible to know what ripples one will create with her actions,
and that ultimately, the fool and the hero, have to act in semi-darkness.
So, fools and heroes alike,
step into the unknown,
take action based on a vision,
and know not what may come.
Some are lucky in that their actions mingle with the currents of humanity
to result in changes across the generations.
The M15 popular uprising in Spain is living out Gandhi's dream of nonviolent demonstrations.
Like M15, social movements across the globe recite the words and vision of Gandhi.
He could not stop his country from fighting, but he has inspired generations.
Some are unlucky in that their courageous endeavors go unnoticed, or are silenced
by those more powerful than themselves.
Mothers are still searching. Many will never find their children.
But, they are still searching.
They are still searching.
Be they our fools?
To be a hero or a fool takes vision, courage, the audacity to believe one can make a difference.
This, mind you, is not a fairy tale.
The journey is never easy, and many times stretches beyond the person's life.
There are not always 'happily ever after' endings.
And the 'right' do not always vanquish the 'wrong'.
Yet, some will venture forth
on a fool's errand or a heroe's journey.
And, at day's end,
who are we to judge?
For while we debate and pronounce our judgments,
fools and heroes
are creating our world.
Fools and heroes...
Are they one and the same?
Or, are they entirely different?
Are they the opposite ends of a finite pole?
Or, are they locations on a circle that has no poles, no beginnings, no ends?
Taking risks that any 'sane' person would 'know' were outlandish.
Articulating dreams that stand in stark contrast to 'reality'.
Standing by those dreams when everyone, everything, stands in the path of their realization.
Believing in the impossible.
Seeing the unimaginable.
Stepping into the unknown without protection.
A fool's errand?
Or the makings of a hero?
If you stop to consider, regardless of whether we shall name this person
fool or hero,
the synergies are many.
So, what is it then, that marks a person
a fool or hero?
If so, then we would add to the category of fool
Aung San Suu Kyi, her years in prison, and a country still in desperate turmoil;
Nelson Mandela, his numerous years in prison, and a country still ruled by the wealthy;
Mahatma Gandhi, his self inflicted starvation to stop the fighting, and a country divided;
The mothers of disappeared children in war torn countries who search endlessly...
Are these the ones we would relegate to the court of fools?
Their visions weren't realized and they suffered greatly.
Yet, few would consent to add their names to the court of fools.
So, if it is not the dreams nor the outcomes the person sought to realize,
then, what is it?
Is it the actions taken, or the timing of those actions?
To this, I submit a question...
How can one possibly predict the many implications of one's actions?
I assert that it is humanly impossible to know what ripples one will create with her actions,
and that ultimately, the fool and the hero, have to act in semi-darkness.
So, fools and heroes alike,
step into the unknown,
take action based on a vision,
and know not what may come.
Some are lucky in that their actions mingle with the currents of humanity
to result in changes across the generations.
The M15 popular uprising in Spain is living out Gandhi's dream of nonviolent demonstrations.
Like M15, social movements across the globe recite the words and vision of Gandhi.
He could not stop his country from fighting, but he has inspired generations.
Some are unlucky in that their courageous endeavors go unnoticed, or are silenced
by those more powerful than themselves.
Mothers are still searching. Many will never find their children.
But, they are still searching.
They are still searching.
Be they our fools?
To be a hero or a fool takes vision, courage, the audacity to believe one can make a difference.
This, mind you, is not a fairy tale.
The journey is never easy, and many times stretches beyond the person's life.
There are not always 'happily ever after' endings.
And the 'right' do not always vanquish the 'wrong'.
Yet, some will venture forth
on a fool's errand or a heroe's journey.
And, at day's end,
who are we to judge?
For while we debate and pronounce our judgments,
fools and heroes
are creating our world.
Heroes and Fools...Let's We be It
I started watching the news again
after a 4-year hiatus.
I once had a bumper sticker that read,
Only, I had paid so much attention
that each day, I wept
and struggled under a growing sense of
ineptness, inability, and smallness
in the face of so many seemingly intractable problems.
So, I retreated to a place of quiet,
shutting out the world, and
listening only to the quiet voices
inside me.
In my cocoon of self-imposed abstinence from humankind’s vagaries,
I found solace and peace, quiet and insight,
images that seemed to verge on wisdom.
In that space, I learned to trust myself,
the spirits that guide and watch over me,
and the currents that flow through our lives.
Yet, what is real wisdom if not epiphanies
rising from the ashes of failure,
born of sorrow and
forged in destitution?
No, I could lay no claim to wisdom
if all I could do was to
pronounce judgment from the safety of my cocoon.
We have botched it up, my friends.
We were given a precious gift
and we slandered and desecrated it.
But, even from the depths of my darkest despair,
there calls forth a vision, a belief,
that it is not over.
It is not over.
While we breath,
and with every breath we take,
there is another opportunity
to shed the straightjacket of complacency,
to allow our blood to fill with outrage,
and to decide just what we can do
to make change.
Each day,
with every breath,
each one of us.
And, in our valiant efforts to
right the wrongs
and breath life into this earth and our fellow beings,
we will earn the wisdom forged
of real, hands-dirty, blackened-eye living.
Let’s we be the heroes and the fools.
after a 4-year hiatus.
I once had a bumper sticker that read,
‘If you’re not
outraged, you aren’t paying attention.’
Only, I had paid so much attention
that each day, I wept
and struggled under a growing sense of
ineptness, inability, and smallness
in the face of so many seemingly intractable problems.
So, I retreated to a place of quiet,
shutting out the world, and
listening only to the quiet voices
inside me.
In my cocoon of self-imposed abstinence from humankind’s vagaries,
I found solace and peace, quiet and insight,
images that seemed to verge on wisdom.
In that space, I learned to trust myself,
the spirits that guide and watch over me,
and the currents that flow through our lives.
Yet, what is real wisdom if not epiphanies
rising from the ashes of failure,
born of sorrow and
forged in destitution?
No, I could lay no claim to wisdom
if all I could do was to
pronounce judgment from the safety of my cocoon.
We have botched it up, my friends.
We were given a precious gift
and we slandered and desecrated it.
But, even from the depths of my darkest despair,
there calls forth a vision, a belief,
that it is not over.
It is not over.
While we breath,
and with every breath we take,
there is another opportunity
to shed the straightjacket of complacency,
to allow our blood to fill with outrage,
and to decide just what we can do
to make change.
Each day,
with every breath,
each one of us.
And, in our valiant efforts to
right the wrongs
and breath life into this earth and our fellow beings,
we will earn the wisdom forged
of real, hands-dirty, blackened-eye living.
Let’s we be the heroes and the fools.
Synchronicity & Hope
I am struck by
a strange and wonderful experience of late.
I have written many poems on this blog in the last months.
Usually, just a few people read the family and friends.
But, recently something happened.
For some reason that I can not fathom,
one of my poems caught fire.
Just two weeks after writing
more than 100 people had read it.
I didn't say anything as I didn't want to bias
what people read when they visited my blog (that's the researcher in
I wanted just to observe and see how this evolved.
But, now it is 3 1/2 weeks since I
wrote it
and the results are so interesting that I decided to comment.
This morning I checked and 227 people have read this one poem?!
Most people are not stopping to read the other poems,
so I surmise they are visiting my blog specifically to read this one
No one has commented on the poem,
so I remain 'in the dark' about who is reading it
and why.
But, one thing is sure;
this one poem has attracted significant interest.
What's funny is that I wouldn't
even count this poem as my best,
yet, it is the one that seems to be making an impact on life…
which leads me to the title of this piece,
and the contemplation this experience inspires for me.
The ideas I share next arise from
my (limited) understanding of lessons from the New Physics.
I believe that at an energetic level, everything
-- all of life -- is connected. If you
were looking at the earth from the vantage point of the gods, you would see
fields of energy spreading across the globe.
These energy fields contain an imprint or knowledge or spirit that
affects all those who touch the field.
With this idea, you can explain simultaneous
inventions at different points on the globe without shared communication. We have many examples of that throughout
human history.
we are not gods, so our vantage point is ‘from
the ground’.
We mostly see what is directly in front of
We have no way of knowing, must less
how our actions fit into the vast energetic
fields of life.
So, we can’t possibly predict all the
implications of our actions.
I spoke of this quandary in my poem, ‘Fools
or Heroes’.
In my own
life, I have many stories of circumstances that had outcomes
far different from those I had anticipated or
even intended.
In one
case, I found myself in a hotel room preparing to attend a meeting.
I almost chose not to go to the meeting as I
felt I had nothing to offer,
and that my participation wouldn’t be
I was feeling particularly ‘small’.
I finally decided to go and make whatever
contribution I could.
Several months later, I learned that
my recommendation had been incorporated into a
major international agreement,
and is now guiding the work of many people
around the world!
This is
just one, rather extreme, example.
But, it demonstrates my idea.
First, you
never can know the full results of your actions.
We are earthbound creatures and our
perspective is limited.
Second, whether we can see it or not,
our actions might be part of a bigger
energetic field,
a force that is guiding human development and
I believe
we are not asked to have the perspective of the gods.
Rather, we are challenged to understand as
much as we can.
And then, we are challenged to take a risk to
offer what we can.
We are to
toss the pebble – ourselves - into the pond.
Then, we watch. We observe the ripples that our pebble caused.
We learn whatever we can from our observations.
And then, we act again based on our best
knowledge and intuition and trust.
In this
way, each of us can have an impact.
Each of us can make our own unique
contribution to life.
Each of us can make a difference, make this
world better.
does, however, challenge us to trust that,
perhaps we are part of something bigger.
And that in order for us to develop and
evolve as humankind,
each and every one of us must find the
courage to make whatever contribution we can,
when we feel small and insignificant.
There is
synchronicity in life.
Things, people, thoughts…are connected.
Each action, no matter how small, adds up to
something bigger.
We are
part of something great and wonderful – life.
And our life force is in trouble.
Our planet is in trouble.
We are
not small and insignificant.
Rather, we all matter; we all count.
So, we each make our own unique contribution.
Our contributions work in sync with the
contributions of others
and together, we co-create and nurture the force
that is life.
Now is
not the time to give up and lose hope.
Now is the time to discover that
we are the hope!
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