the heat index dropped just below the 'Extreme Danger' zone.
Now, it's just plain dangerous to go outside.
What have I to say to that?
I, a writer, am left without words.
But not for long! :)
2/3 of the U.S. bakes in the hot, dry sun,
suffering heat matching that in Viet Nam,
watching as the nation's food source burns and withers.
If this is not the vicious god, Climate Change, unleashing Gia's fury,
then what is it,
But, let's not let a political debate contrived by those profiting from earth's destruction
stop our conversation,
for it is through dialogue that we will find our way through this.
It is we, the people, who are suffering under this burden.
Yes, the wealthy will suffer too.
Though their ownership of virtually all the resources
will provide them temporary protection, it is at best - temporary.
When we are all gone, the water supply will disappear.
Food will no longer cover the face of this earth.
We will no longer be here to cater to the will of the plutocrats.
No, they cannot hide long from the ravages of climate change.
But wait, this was not to be a political discussion.
I'm sorry, but my anger sometimes overcomes my sense of rationality
or my desire to act from a place of wisdom.
The insanity of this situation is often more than I can comprehend.
This growing sense of despair, however, can be crippling.
So overwhelmed by the shear vastness of this unstoppable beast are we,
that we give up, turn our head, harden our hearts and close our eyes.
But this, my friends, is not who we were meant to be.
It is not the fulfillment of the loving, compassionate, creative force
that lies within our souls.
Nor is it a reflection of the warrior, fueled
by honor,
that steps onto
battlefields mined with explosives
to fight for life.
OK – so most of us are not world leaders.
We are not the plutocrats.
We do not see ourselves as
And we certainly do not
understand this god,
Climate Change.
But, we also are not the minions of the wealthy.
We are not mindless, faceless consumers.
We are not the masses that must be silenced.
No, we are strong.
We have a voice.
We have each other.
And, we have a vision.
A vision for ourselves
and for our children and generations beyond.
A vision of an earth bountiful in food and water.
A vision of a people all the colors of the world,
living in peace,
sharing the resources,
learning from each other,
celebrating this precious life.
And why not?
We need now a vision
more than we have in a
very long time.
We need now a vision that transcends the devastation facing us.
We need now a vision that will carry us forward
into a future
that we will design, for which we will offer
our selves and our resources,
a future which can come to pass
if we, together, claim it.
Let this vision be audacious, bold and strong.
Let us as warriors don our armor
and step courageously and resolutely into
the battle not just for our lives,
but for all life.
Now is the moment to which we all have been called.
Let us take our places as the stewards and guardians of life.
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